Oxytocin for Pain, Treatment Resistant Depression and Bipolar Disorder




Recent publications on Oxytocin are listed below. It is a very effective hormone made by the brain. It is NOT the opioid oxycodone and NOT oxycontin.


Use search function top left above photo to see previous postings on oxytocin since 2013. It can be extremely important in the treatment of intractable pain, treatment resistant depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety.


Once you titrate to the proper dose for each person —from 10 to 100 u’s, relief is quite astonishing, with rapid onset in a few minutes when given under the tongue – only after reaching that person’s dose, simple, without side effects. May use as needed 3 or 4 times per day. There is no withdrawal.


Avoid use if polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 


Oxytocin must be made by a compounding pharmacy. Healthcare insurance refuses to reimburse for any compounded medications though they are far less expensive even than gabapentin that fails to help so many with pain, and oxytocin is far more effective. 


Every time you hug someone, you are giving each other oxytocin. When your dog and you stare at each other, oxytocin is being stimulated. Having discussed that with one of my patients, he came back one month later to say he and his wife had fallen in love again after almost 50 years of marriage because they’ve been hugging every day: hugs stimulate oxytocin. 


Behavioral effects of oxytocin are highly context- and person-dependent. You are not going to fall in love with someone you do not like. 



Rash, JA, et al: Oxytocin & Pain, A Systematic Review & Synthesis of Findings. Clin J Pain 30(5):453-462, May 2014.


Xin Q et al: The Analgesic Effects of Oxytocin in the Peripheral and Central Nervous System. Neurochemistry Intl 103:57-64, 2017.


Paloyelis Y et al: The Analgesic Effect of Oxytocin in Humans: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study using laser-evoked potentials. 


MacDonald K, Feifel D. Oxytocin’s role in anxiety: a critical appraisal. Brain Res 2014; 1580: 22–56.


Churchland PPS, Winkielman P. Modulating social behavior with oxytocin: how does it work? What does it mean? Horm Behav 2012; 61: 392–399.


Bethlehem, R A I  et al: Intranasal oxytocin enhances intrinsic corticostriatal functional connectivity in women, Translational Psychiatry, 2017, 7, 4, e1099 ********excellent********















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Oxytocin, Astrocytes, Modification of Amygdala Circuits and Pain – IASP Early Research Career Grant Report



As a physician who prescribes Oxytocin [OT] and sees profound relief of many forms of intractable pain and/or relief of treatment refractory Major Depressive Disorder or Anxiety and Panic Disorder, this research on mechanisms is deeply meaningful and long awaited. Oxytocin is a hormone made in the brain, but also in the heart and other organs in women and men. It is rare to find work on glia and oxytocin.


Today the International Association for Study of Pain announced the final report from their 2012 Early Research Career Grant:


“Dr. Alexander Charlet of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Strasbourg, France, has submitted his final report for his project “Involvement of astrocytes in the endogenous oxytocin modification of amygdala microcircuits….”


“Dr. Charlet’s project focuses on the functional consequences of endogenous OT release in amygdala microcircuits on nociception and pain. In addition, he aims to decipher the precise mechanism, cellular and molecular, by which OT exerts its action. Thus, the purposes of his project are to characterize in vivo and in vitro the effects of endogenous OT in the amygdala on pain-related symptoms….


.….”In addition, he was surprised to discover that perceptions of his project’s importance grew once it was awarded and triggered future collaborations: a Marie Curie European Action Career Integration Grant and the French Initiative d’Excellence Attractivity.”


“As a result, Dr. Charlet also received two major personal prizes: an award from Swiss Society for Biological Psychiatry in 2012 and award from the French Académie nationale de medicine with the prestigious Albert Sézary price in 2013. Finally, he has been recruited as a neurosciences permanent researcher by the CNRS and recently opened his independent lab.”





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