Mindfulness Coloring Book




Mindfulness Meditation


If you have had chronic pain a long time, I assume your psychologist or clinical social worker may have told you about Mindfulness Meditation. Some of them teach Mindfulness Meditation. Hopefully there have been more centers spreading across the country that do. The work was started by Jon Kabat Zinn, PhD, now a Professor of Medicine Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and his neuroscience associates in Boston in 1979.


Jon Kabat-Zinn started out as a molecular biologist, studying under Nobel Laureate Salvador Luria, but his interest in meditation drew him towards the study of how the mind facilitates healing. Now a Professor of Medicine Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dr. Kabat-Zinn has focused his research on the benefits of mindfulness meditation in cooperation with clinical treatments for patients with chronic illnesses and stress related disorders.


. . . .Dr. Kabat-Zinn is best known for developing the 8 week MBSR Program to catch the people falling through the cracks of the medical system, which has now evolved into Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.


Recent studies from Massachusetts General Hospital have shown that the MBSR program can produce thickening in particular regions of the brain important for learning, memory, executive decision-making and perspective-taking and that certain regions of the brain like the amygdala, which involves threat and fear circuitry, get thinner.


Dr. Kabat-Zinn has written 4 books, translated into over 30 languages, including Full Catastrophe Living; Wherever You Go There You Are, Everyday Blessings, and Coming to Our Senses. His early book is still a classic book in the field:


Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness


And this week, a package arrived from a dear fellow whom I have followed for many years of unimaginable pain. His strength of mind survived better, I think, than mine. He is just too cool, in the face of major health obstacles. For a few months, he and his wife are currently stationed out of state awaiting a major operation. I had mentioned Mindfulness Meditation to him and he sent these two lovely gifts for those of us who need all the cool help we can get:


The Mindfulness Coloring Book – Volume Two: More Anti-Stress Art Therapy for Busy People (The Mindfulness Coloring Series)




Sargent Art 22-7251 Colored Pencils, Pack of 50, Assorted Colors


They were a hit with my patients all day; they even magically entranced a senior who said that of course she’d never do them. She couldn’t resist. Papa can do some with his grandsons. We have all found distractions help. These are mesmerizing.


They cannot be resisted. They are delightful, and once you peek at them, they grow in your mind, existing in the unconscious behind all those crumpled up crowded thoughts. Interesting, alien thoughts of fun! patterns and designs, that you will fill soon with colors, and of course the aliens of fun will do their magic to thoughts that may be painful. Dissociating from pain. They become the  mandalas of today, expanding your higher consciousness into abstraction, absorption into silence and freedom from thought. Exactly like the purpose of Tibetan sacred sand mandalas, I would assume.


Just glancing at them today, they are already regrooving the brain back to delightful, fun emotions, because they are wonderfully hypnotizing. I wasn’t aware of bringing them subconsciously along with me until hours later, but there they are. All smiles.


They got everyone hypnotized and tuned in, just looking at a few pages. I can easily see how they would hypnotize and delight you. Whatever they do, they look like fun! Simply joyful fun! And fun helps us take our mind off pain. Just to see everyone’s face light up in joy as I showed them a few pages. Have I made it clear how much fun it was? These drawings are as interesting and as smart as they can be.


I’m sure you’ll read those reviews on the Amazon links above.














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