Ambien helps recovery after stroke in mice, Stanford





On December 18, Stanford reported:


Stroke recovery in mice improved by Ambien


Zolpidem, better known by the trade name Ambien, increased the rate at which mice that had strokes recovered their pre-stroke sensory acuity and motor coordination.


This must now be verified in humans. Rodent studies cannot be translated to humans, and all too often fail to help.


There are three publications on the use of zolpidem for persistent vegetative state.


Drug induced arousal from the permanent vegetative state




Of interest, I have recently seen two unusual responses to Ambien.


One man who underwent a repeat knee replacement in the same knee within a short time after the first. He feels severe pain and spasm around the knee and has developed severe depression. The only medication he has found to relieve the spasm is 5 mg Ambien twice daily.


Another patient developed severe personality changes with agitation, rocking the body in bed. In less than 20 minutes, after Ambien, she was perfectly normal, quiet, relaxed, calm.








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