Skype Security Bug – Why I won’t Use Skype




(click link, above, for article)
Skype’s Nasty Security bug “can allow an attacker to gain system-level privileges to a vulnerable computer.” “Microsoft, which owns Skype, won’t fix the flaw”
“ZDNet reports of a security flaw in Skype’s updater process that “can allow an attacker to gain system-level privileges to a vulnerable computer.” If the bug is exploited, it “can escalate a local unprivileged user to the full ‘system’ level rights — granting them access to every corner of the operating system. What’s worse is that Microsoft, which owns Skype, won’t fix the flaw because it would require the updater to go through “a large code revision.””
…”From the report: Security researcher Stefan Kanthak found that the Skype update installer could be exploited with a DLL hijacking technique, which allows an attacker to trick an application into drawing malicious code instead of the correct library. An attacker can download a malicious DLL into a user-accessible temporary folder and rename it to an existing DLL that can be modified by an unprivileged user, like UXTheme.dll. The bug works because the malicious DLL is found first when the app searches for the DLL it needs. Once installed, Skype uses its own built-in updater to keep the software up to date. When that updater runs, it uses another executable file to run the update, which is vulnerable to the hijacking. The attack reads on the clunky side, but Kanthak told ZDNet in an email that the attack could be easily weaponized. He explained, providing two command line examples, how a script or malware could remotely transfer a malicious DLL into that temporary folder.””



John Muir’s Ecstatic Experience: The Sierra. Mountains holy as Sinai.




“Muir‘s view of the natural world is strikingly contemporary–a holistic vision of an intricately interconnected “Earth-Planet Universe.“ It is also deeply spiritual and essentially pantheistic. Muir introduces us to “plant people,“ “animal people,“ and in a passage from 1872 he muses:


The Sierra. Mountains holy as Sinai. No mountains I know of are so alluring. None so hospitable, kindly, tenderly inspiring. It seems strange that everyone does not come at their call. They are given, like the Gospel, without money and without price. “‘Tis heaven alone that is given away.“
Here is a calm so deep, grasses cease waving… Wonderful how completely everything in the wild nature fits into us, as if truly part and parent of us. The sunshine is not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, windsong, and tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.”


Muir, John of the Mountains, Ed. Linnie Marsh Wolfe, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1938) page 92.


From Gary Snyder and Tom Killian: The High Sierra of California, page 16  
every page fills you with such beauty.



Oxytocin for Pain, Treatment Resistant Depression and Bipolar Disorder




Recent publications on Oxytocin are listed below. It is a very effective hormone made by the brain. It is NOT the opioid oxycodone and NOT oxycontin.


Use search function top left above photo to see previous postings on oxytocin since 2013. It can be extremely important in the treatment of intractable pain, treatment resistant depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety.


Once you titrate to the proper dose for each person —from 10 to 100 u’s, relief is quite astonishing, with rapid onset in a few minutes when given under the tongue – only after reaching that person’s dose, simple, without side effects. May use as needed 3 or 4 times per day. There is no withdrawal.


Avoid use if polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 


Oxytocin must be made by a compounding pharmacy. Healthcare insurance refuses to reimburse for any compounded medications though they are far less expensive even than gabapentin that fails to help so many with pain, and oxytocin is far more effective. 


Every time you hug someone, you are giving each other oxytocin. When your dog and you stare at each other, oxytocin is being stimulated. Having discussed that with one of my patients, he came back one month later to say he and his wife had fallen in love again after almost 50 years of marriage because they’ve been hugging every day: hugs stimulate oxytocin. 


Behavioral effects of oxytocin are highly context- and person-dependent. You are not going to fall in love with someone you do not like. 



Rash, JA, et al: Oxytocin & Pain, A Systematic Review & Synthesis of Findings. Clin J Pain 30(5):453-462, May 2014.


Xin Q et al: The Analgesic Effects of Oxytocin in the Peripheral and Central Nervous System. Neurochemistry Intl 103:57-64, 2017.


Paloyelis Y et al: The Analgesic Effect of Oxytocin in Humans: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study using laser-evoked potentials. 


MacDonald K, Feifel D. Oxytocin’s role in anxiety: a critical appraisal. Brain Res 2014; 1580: 22–56.


Churchland PPS, Winkielman P. Modulating social behavior with oxytocin: how does it work? What does it mean? Horm Behav 2012; 61: 392–399.


Bethlehem, R A I  et al: Intranasal oxytocin enhances intrinsic corticostriatal functional connectivity in women, Translational Psychiatry, 2017, 7, 4, e1099 ********excellent********















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