CBD Anti-inflammatory, does not make you “high”





CBD from CV SCIENCES Las Vegas, NV, is top rated by Consumer Labs. They sell CBD spray, oil, capsules, and softgels. The soft gels contain 5mg of hemp-derived CBDA/CBD oil per serving that includes terpenes, phytocannabinoids, fatty acids. Capsules contain 10 or 15 mg CBD are “made using our Total Plant Complex” that includes terpenes, phytocannabinoids, plant sterols, fatty acids.

One patient says the softgel is small, easy to swallow. “PlusCBD Oil Raw Softgels offer the fullest spectrum of naturally occurring hemp co-factors and contain 5mg of hemp-derived CBDA/CBD oil per serving.” [6.2 mg consumers labs say, tho bottle says 10 mg]

CWHemp in Boulder, CO, sells CBD oil and capsules. One patient who had 3 different pain conditions, each one disabling, severe, found it far better than CBD tried in 3 different states.



One patient, A, has several conditions responding to CBD, discussed below.


She has suffered many years of tinnitus.

Soon after starting CBD, the tinnitus is now down to where she is just barely able to hear it. “It was driving me crazy: clicking, grinding, hissing, whiny, scraping like pieces of sandpaper being scraped together. I thought I’m going to go crazy. Now I can barely hear a hiss at all on left, and on the right very very low hardly discernible hiss. It’s like a miracle.”  Taking 1 twice daily, maybe have been taking them for 2 weeks, it’s amazing to me.”

Pains are 80% better:

Stiffness in hands, osteoarthritis arthritis pain in knuckles

70% relief left shoulder had been barely able to pick up the shoulder due to bone on bone osteoarthritis. Not frozen shoulder but the pain mimicked frozen shoulder, pseudo-frozen. Markedly better.


Lifelong anxiety disorder has been helped to a degree, allowed drop in Xanax down to 3.0 mg/day from 3.5 mg total daily dose of Xanax she was taking since 1990. And dropped dose within the first week on 12 mg CBD dose, able to leave out the 2 pm Xanax. 

Had been using 2  of the 12 mg capsules from Leafly initially.

Vertigo due to BPPV, very severe:

25% improved, can roll over in bed now without feeling like flying off the bed. Helped balance related to the vertigo. The tinnitus had made the vertigo worse, so lessening of tinnitus has lessened the vertigo. Helped the balance, not a lot, but since vertigo is diminished, balance is better. 

“THC gives me more trouble than the CBD because I know I am not going to have a paranoid attack on CBD.  I’ve now lost my desire to smoke marijuana for relief. There is no change yet in depression, but during SAD [Seasonal Affective Disorder] and weeks of grey weather, I can’t tell.”

BAM, the devastating bile acid malabsorption:

No change yet. I have been manipulating diet to get results I need, now fairly good control by taking more water. Not having the horrible bile burn in lower abdomen, none in days. I’m not sure why yet. Water intake, I can’t even tell because I’m so sporadic. If I could get into me minimum 4 full glasses a day, I probably could control the constipation part. I’d rather deal with that than the diarrhea which is debilitating.” 

Ear Pressure:

JG no longer needs to be taking ibuprofen to treat PRESSURE in ear. It felt like the tubes were full of fluid and that pressure from the tubes was having a vacuum type effect on the eardrum itself.  He’s been to every ENT at Rush Memorial, next will see ENT at Loyola. It was distracting and uncomfortable, made him miserable, frustrated and did not want to take the medication because he was concerned about NSAID adverse effect on the heart. Was taking Ibuprofen every few hours, now no longer needed. This pressure has been disabling for years.

He is taking CBD 12mg/day, now will start taking 18-19 mg.
This is profound. 



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